The Walking Dead Comic Book: Safety Behind Bars – Issue #13

The Walking Dead comic: Safety Behind Bars – Issue #13 cover
The Walking Dead comic: Safety Behind Bars – Issue #13 cover
Quick summary
Issue #13 starts with the group in the RV heading to the prison they found in issue #12. They stop at the outer fence, Rick, Tyreese and Andrea go inside the inner fence and close the sliding fence part so they can clear out the zombies. The rest of the group stays in between the inner and outer fence where it’s safe. Rick, Tyreese and Andrea kill all of the zombies that were out there and the group has a nearby camp fire at night.

The next day, Rick and Tyreese go into the prison to clear out an area inside it and make it safe for the group. They come to a closed door with the word “Cafeteria” on it. They open it expecting a room full of zombies but instead find four prisoners sitting around a table eating food. One of them asks Rick and Tyreese if they want some meatloaf.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars paperbackThe Walking Dead, Vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars paperback has issues 13-18 included.

The Walking Dead, Book 2 hardcoverThe Walking Dead, Book 2 hardcover has issues 13-24 included.

Next issue: Safety Behind Bars – Issue #14

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