The Walking Dead Comic Book: Miles Behind Us – Issue #11

The Walking Dead comic: Miles Behind Us – Issue #11 cover
The Walking Dead comic: Miles Behind Us – Issue #11 cover
Quick summary
Issue #11 starts with Rick and Hershel arguing about the zombies in the barn. Hershel is keeping them in the barn until they can think of a way to help them. Rick tells Hershel that they’ve been killing them, putting them out of their misery because they’re trying to eat them. Hershel tells Rick that his son Shawn is one of the zombies in the barn because he couldn’t bring himself to kill him. Rick insists that the zombies are dead and are not healing but he can’t change Hershel’s mind. Hershel says that the barn is locked up good. Their talk ends and Rick walks off. It’s night, Rick talks with Allen outside the RV. Glenn leaves the RV to meet up with Maggie.

The next morning, Rick goes over to Hershel and apologizes for going off on him yesterday. Rick offers Hershel three guns for him and his family. He also says he’ll be doing some basic gun training and gun safety for everyone. The group starts the gun training and Hershel comes running over to them and tells them to stop shooting in the direction of the Thompson’s home. A zombie comes their way, Rick wants to shoot it but Hershel wants to capture it and put it in the barn. Hershel gets the zombie and his kids help him take it to the barn. As Hershel opens the barn’s door, a zombie bursts the door open sending Hershel and the zombie that they captured to the ground. Rick and the group start running over to the barn to help. Hershel’s son Arnold runs over and saves Hershel from a zombie but then Shawn, Arnold’s brother who is a zombie, bites Arnold’s neck from behind. Lacey is then being eaten by a few zombies. The group and Hershel take out the zombies with their guns.

They bury the bodies of Hershel’s kids that died (Shawn, Arnold and Lacey). Hershel acknowledges that Rick was right about the zombies. Tyreese lets Julie and Chris keep their guns to be safe. Alone, Julie and Chris say that now it’ll be easier with guns and they’ll do it when the time is right.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us paperbackThe Walking Dead, Vol. 2: Miles Behind Us paperback has issues 7-12 included.

The Walking Dead, Book 1 hardcoverThe Walking Dead, Book 1 hardcover has issues 1-12 included.

Next issue: Miles Behind Us – Issue #12

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