The Walking Dead Comic Book: Days Gone Bye – Issue #3

The Walking Dead comic: Days Gone Bye – Issue #3 cover
The Walking Dead comic: Days Gone Bye – Issue #3 cover
Quick summary
As Rick is hugging his wife Lori and son Carl, his police partner/best friend Shane comes up and greets him. Shane shows Rick around the camp, pointing out who everybody is, Glenn (who Rick already met), Allen, who has a wife named Donna and they have twins named Billy and Ben, Dale on top of his camper keeping watch, Jim, Carol and her daughter Sophia, and Amy and Andrea (who are sisters).

At night, Lori gives Rick back his wedding ring. They talk about what happened and the camp. Rick says that he now feels scared as he didn’t have time before to because he was worried about Lori and Carl.

The next day, Rick takes a shower in Dale’s camper. When Rick comes out of the shower, Dale surprises him and chats with Rick. Dale tells Rick that Shane isn’t glad that Rick is back and that Shane has had an eye on Lori for as long as he’s known them. Rick brushes it off and doesn’t believe Dale.

Shane and Rick go to hunt for food. Lori, Donna and Carol go to a nearby stream to wash clothes. Shane and Rick find a zombie eating a deer which doesn’t notice them at first. It eventually tries to get at them but Rick kills it with his hatchet. After washing the clothes, Lori, Donna and Carol are on their way back to camp and a zombie tries to grab Donna. Allen can’t shoot as Donna is in the way but Dale saves her by chopping off the zombie’s head. They notice that the head is still alive. Allen shoots it, Rick and Shane hear the gunshot and run back to the camp. Rick comforts Lori as Shane looks on with a cold jealous facial expression.

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The Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye paperbackThe Walking Dead, Vol. 1: Days Gone Bye paperback has issues 1-6 included.

The Walking Dead, Book 1 hardcoverThe Walking Dead, Book 1 hardcover has issues 1-12 included.

Next issue: Days Gone Bye – Issue #4

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