TWD creator Robert Kirkman reveals cause of apocalypse

In the past The Walking Dead‘s creator Robert Kirkman has always shied away from giving an answer to the always asked question, what caused the “zombie outbreak” or “virus” in the world of The Walking Dead? As when someone dies, they turn into a zombie/walker. Kirkman would always give a response that he would never answer that question as the story isn’t about that, it’s about the survivors. Well this week on On Twitter this week, someone asked Robert Kirkman

Well this week on Twitter, someone asked Kirkman that very question and he nonchalantly answered with “Space spore.” Yup, this isn’t a joke, Kirkman actually said this, see the Twitter screenshot below (and direct link). Anyone who has followed Kirkman or seen him in interviews, knows he likes to troll or give joke answers at times, so it’s hard to say if he was being legit or joking around with his response. So what do you think? Is Kirkman just trolling us with this response? Do you think he was being serious?

Twitter screenshot of Robert Kirkman's response to what was the cause of the apocalypse in The Walking Dead
Screenshot of Robert Kirkman’s response on Twitter about the cause of the apocalypse (or cause of dead people turning into zombies) in the world of The Walking Dead

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