TWD episode 807 “Time for After” quick recap and a look ahead to the midseason finale

SPOILERS ahead! Below I’ve put together the more important events that happened in The Walking Dead season 8 episode 7 “Time for After” but you can read the full episode recap and watch the “Inside the Episode” video here.

In episode 807, Gabriel is suffering from a severe infection which was brought on by the walker guts; Rosita and eventually Michonne back out of Daryl and Tara’s plan to crash a garbage truck into the Sanctuary so walkers can enter it; Daryl and Tara carry out their plan with help from Morgan and other snipers around the Sanctuary; Eugene tells Negan his plan to get them more ammo; the Scavengers bring Rick out of the container they were holding him in and put him up against an armored walker; Rick is able to knock down the Scavengers that were trying to hold him down and he eventually gets Jadis down and to surrender, Jadis agrees to join Rick to defeat the Saviors; and Rick leads the Scavengers to the West lookout outside of the Sanctuary, and sees that there is no sign of the walkers or the Saviors.

The next episode is #808, it’s named “How It’s Gotta Be” and the description from says: “Every story and battle from the first half of the season comes crashing together in this action-packed, emotional Mid-Season finale.”

‘How It’s Gotta Be’ Next on Ep. 808 | The Walking Dead

‘Do You Think They Will Surrender?’ Sneak Peek Ep. 808 | The Walking Dead

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