Will Rick Grimes die or be waking up from his coma in The Walking Dead season 8?

Is Rick Grimes dreaming, waking up, dead or is this a fake scene?As we see at the end of The Walking Dead season 8 trailer, Rick Grimes is older and appears to be waking up in the hospital (similar to season 1 where it all began for him). What do you think is happening in this scene? Below are some possibilities of what the old Rick Grimes scene can be:

  1. As in the comics, this is after the war with the Saviors, there’s a time skip and Rick now uses a cane and is older
  2. They are screwing with fans putting this extra scene at the end into the trailer just to throw off fans, and this scene won’t make it into the actual show
  3. This is a dream sequence where Rick is either dead or he is dreaming of himself being older, possibly after the war with the Saviors
  4. The whole show has been a dream in Rick’s head and he’s now waking up in the real world (non-apocalypse world as the flowers are alive)

Let me know your thoughts about the old Rick Grimes scene in the trailer.

YouTuber Ronny Haze/Make A Path Presents created a great video giving his thoughts on old Rick, watch it below (warning comic spoilers).

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