TWD episode 706 shows us what Tara and Heath have been up to

TWD episode 706 shows us what Tara and Heath have been up toSPOILERS ahead! Below I’ve put together the more important events that happened in The Walking Dead season 7 episode 6 “Swear” but you can read the full episode recap and watch the “Inside the Episode” video here.

In episode 706, we see that Tara and Heath haven’t found anything on their scavenge run and they get split up after running into some walkers on a bridge. Tara gets helped by a woman named Cyndie from a place called the Oceanside village. Tara follows Cyndie back to the village, eventually gets caught, and learns about the women from the village. After almost getting killed, Tara is able to escape with help from Cyndie after swearing to not tell anyone about the village. Past the bridge, Tara sees car tracks which she hopes was Heath getting away from the walkers. Tara makes it back to Alexandria to find out about Denise and what has happened since she went on the run.

The next episode is #707, it’s named “Sing Me a Song” and the description from says: “A further peak into the Sanctuary.” The episode description on says: “A much more detailed look into the world of the Saviors and their home, the Sanctuary, is shown. Meanwhile, members of Alexandria look for supplies.”

The Walking Dead: Next on: ‘Sing Me a Song’ Ep. 707

The Walking Dead: ‘Michonne on the Road’ Official Sneak Peek Ep. 707

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