The Walking Dead: Cold Storage webisodes

The new The Walking Dead webisodes were released today, four videos telling a story about a survivor named Chase trying to find his sister but he finds himself in a deadly situation. I thought overall they were good but there were a few parts that left me asking myself “but what about…” and I’ll list those below the videos. Watch all four webisodes below.

Webisode 1, Cold Storage: Hide and Seek

One thing in this video that had me asking why, oh why, was when Chase and the other survivor go down to the street level, the other guy is making a lot of noise by yelling over to Chase. This is just stupid. Why would someone in this situation do this?

Webisode 2, Cold Storage: Keys to the Kingdom

In the second webisode, after B.J. saves Chase from the three walkers that followed him into the building, they talk and talk and then B.J. shows Chase around the place. They didn’t go back and close the door though that Chase came in from. Did they forget to add that in or just decided to skip it?

Webisode 3, Cold Storage: The Chosen Ones

In the third webisode, Chase mentions that his kid-sister will be taking a caravan to D.C. and that’s where he wants to get to.

Webisode 4, Cold Storage: Parting Shots

In the fourth webisode,Chase and Kelly take off in a truck that looks very similar to the one from Guts – Season 1 Episode 2 that Rick and group used to escape the store in Atlanta. I doubt it’s the same truck, I’m just saying it’s very similar.

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