Fear the Walking Dead: Season 4 Episode 1 – What’s Your Story?

Inside the episode video
Watch the inside the episode video below for this episode to get a breakdown of what happened and comments from the actors. If the video doesn’t play below, you can watch it on AMC.com.

Episode summary (source)

John Dorie hears a noise while reading by a campfire. He shoots an approaching walker then sees a man standing behind the walker: It’s Morgan Jones.

In a flashback, Morgan hangs laundry at his hideout in the Heaps. Jesus visits him and urges him to rejoin their community.

Morgan makes coffee in his hideout. Carol Peletier visits him and implores him to rejoin their community so that he can be with people who care about him.

Morgan cooks in his hideout. Rick Grimes visits and pleads with him to return, saying Morgan will end up with people one way or another. Morgan remains silent.

Morgan packs his backpack, grabs his fighting stick and leaves the junkyard.

Morgan walks down a road and hears the voices of his friends trying to convince him to stay. He stops at an intersection and ruminates through the night. In the morning, he decides to keep walking.

Eventually, he breaks into a run.

Morgan hotwires an abandoned car then leaves it on the road after it runs out of fuel.

Morgan walks for days. He spots a group of people in the distance and walks the other way. He continues to head west, on foot and in a car.

Morgan finds a wounded man coughing in a car. He leaves some first aid supplies on the car seat, but the man orders him to take the supplies and leave him alone.

Morgan arrives at the Texas border.

Morgan spots an Infected heading toward a man in a field. He gets ready to kill the walker, but the man shoots it first. The man introduces himself as John Dorie and invites Morgan to take shelter in his car for the night.

Morgan sneaks out of John’s car in the middle of the night.

Morgan walks down a road and peeks into an empty tent lit by a lantern. Someone knocks him unconscious.

Morgan wakes up to find a thug, Leland, and another thug holding him at gunpoint while going through his bag. John shows up and shoots at Leland but surrenders when Leland’s crew surrounds him.

Leland and his crew hold John and Morgan captive. Althea drives up in a SWAT vehicle and offers Leland a case of ramen in exchange for the prisoners. When Leland refuses, she pulls a lever to reveal the vehicle is rigged with machine guns.

Althea drives with Morgan and John in the back of the vehicle. She tells them that they owe her for saving their lives.

Althea parks and gets out a video camera. She reveals that she’s a journalist and wants to get their stories on record.

The next day, Althea interviews John on camera and learns about his mission to find his girlfriend, Laura, who he met after the fall. She turns the camera on Morgan. He brushes her off and leaves them.

John runs after Morgan to gives him fresh socks. They spot one of Leland’s cars parked nearby.

Leland’s crew surrounds Morgan, John and Althea. Leland demands the keys to Althea’s truck. Morgan and John fight off their captors. Althea kicks Leland and runs to the truck. Leland pulls her out.

John opens the door to an abandoned trailer. A herd of Infected streams out.

Leland looks for the keys to the truck. Althea dangles keys in front of Leland and tosses them into some bushes. Leland runs after the keys, allowing Althea to escape.

A snake bites Leland as he searches for the keys.

Morgan charges at a rooftop sniper and gets shot in the leg. Morgan fights the sniper with his stick. His foe dangles from the roof as Infected snap at him below. Morgan saves him, but the shooter tackles him.

They fall through the roof and land on the floor. Infected devour the sniper. Morgan finds a grenade and pulls the pin, then takes cover in a bathtub. The grenade explodes. Morgan limps out of the trailer.

Althea sprints to the truck. Leland slams the door in her face and tells her the keys didn’t work. She reveals that they were the wrong keys. John shoots Leland. Althea escapes as Leland gets devoured by Infected, then guns down the Infected with the SWAT machine gun.

Morgan, John and Althea get back on the road. Althea informs them that white numbered flags have been appearing in the area over the past few weeks. Althea points out that Morgan still owes her an interview.

Althea interviews Morgan on the side of the road. Morgan reveals that he came from Atlanta and used to belong to several settlements. He explains that his people battled a large group and won. When Althea asks why he left his group, Morgan gets up to go. Althea demands an answer. “I lose people and then I lose myself,” he says, then walks off.

Morgan hobbles down the road. He recognizes an abandoned car then sees an infected man walking up ahead. He starts to walk after the man but trips while trying to escape two Infected. John shows up and stabs the Infected.

John helps Morgan catch up to the infected man. Morgan sees that it is the wounded man who he tried to help earlier. He kills the man then buries the body in the woods.

Back in the truck, Morgan insists that he is only traveling with John and Althea until his leg heals. John explains that they are setting out to find Laura.

Althea sees a woman crawling on the road. She pulls over and walks up to help the woman: It’s Alicia. Alicia points a sharp weapon at Althea’s neck. Nick, Strand and Luciana emerge from the bushes and hold Morgan, John and Althea at gunpoint.

New characters

  • John Dorie
  • Morgan Jones
  • Leland, and his crew
  • Althea

Characters that died

  • Leland, and his crew

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