Season 5 episode 6 “Consumed” recap as Daryl and Carol get their own episode

The Walking Dead season 5 episode 6 “Consumed” focused entirely on Daryl and Carol as they followed the car with the cross on it, hoping it will lead them to Beth. Many are hoping that Daryl and Carol get together but will they? The quick recap is below but you can read the full recap of the episode on our Season 5 Episode 6: “Consumed” recap. SPOILERS BELOW, do not scroll down if you have not seen the episode yet.

The major points from this episode are (in order how they appeared in the episode):

  • Daryl and Carol follow the car, which has a cross on the back, to downtown Atlanta but soon lose it.
  • Daryl and Carol go into a tall building to try to get a view of the city and see if they can spot the car. They spot a van, which has the same cross on it, on a bridge. They begin to make their way there but they get ambushed by Noah. Noah takes Carol’s rifle and Daryl’s crossbow.
  • Daryl and Carol eventually reach the van and inside it they find it says “G.M.H.” which stands for “Grady Memorial Hospital.”
  • Daryl and Carol go to a building that is near the hospital to check it out. They find Noah in trouble with a walker. They eventually help Noah and realize that they both know Beth.
  • With Daryl helping Noah walk, Carol is up ahead and leaves the building. She immediately gets hit by a police car, who are from the hospital, they get out and take her. Noah holds back Daryl, telling him that they can save them but they need help.

Looking ahead to next week’s episode…
Season 5 episode 7 is named “Crossed” and the description of the episode is: “Between holding down the church and going on a rescue mission, our group is spread pretty thin. Is this going to be the breaking point?”

Sneak Peek: Episode 507: The Walking Dead: Crossed

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